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0-60 days lapsed

If you have not renewed your registration/certification by March 1 each year, your registration/certification will lapse and you must apply for reinstatement; you cannot practice until you reinstate.

Reinstatements completed within 60 days from the renewal deadline can be completed online by logging into your account, completing the online form, paying your annual fee as well as the reinstatement fee. The annual renewal and other relevant fees can be found in Schedule E of the CDSBC Bylaws >>

Lapsed for more than 60 days

To reinstate after your registration has lapsed for more than 60 days requires completion of a separate reinstatement application process and an increased reinstatement fee. You must meet the Quality Assurance requirements for continuing education and continuous practice.

Reinstatement forms and information:

The requirements for CDAs returning to practice are available here >>

Office hours
Monday - Friday
8a.m. to 4:30p.m.

Phone: 672-202-0448
Toll-free within Canada:


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British Columbia College of Oral Health Professionals